What Should be the Throat Space of A Quilting Machine?

What Should be the Throat Space of A Quilting Machine?

Should you buy a quilting machine with a wider throat space? In this blog article we are going to talk about the best quilting machines with a wide throat space and the reasons why you should consider getting one.

There are a lot of factors that go into choosing the right quilting machine, and one of the most important is the throat space. A quilting machine with a wide throat space will allow you to move more fabric at once, so you can sew faster and make more quilts.

We will go over the different types of quilting machines with wide throat spaces and explain how they differ from each other. We also have tips on how to choose the right quilt machine for your needs. So keep reading to find out more about the benefits of having a wide throat space in your quilting machine!

What Is The Throat Space Of A Quilting Machine?

The throat space of a quilting machine is the distance between the needle and the edge of the presser foot. This measurement is important because it determines how wide of a fabric you can sew without having to reposition the needle. The average throat space on a quilting machine is between six and eight inches. However, some machines have a throat space as large as twelve inches. When choosing a quilting machine, it is important to consider the types of projects you will be working on. If you plan on sewing quilts that are larger than average, you will need a machine with a larger throat space.

Why Is The Throat Space Important For Quilters?

The throat space of a quilting machine is important because it allows the user to sew larger projects without having to stop and reposition the fabric. A larger throat space also allows for more intricate quilting designs.

For most home quilting machines, the throat space is typically between six and eight inches. However, some commercial machines can have a throat space of up to twelve inches. The extra space is important for professional quilters who often work on larger projects.

If you are just starting out with quilting, you may not need a machine with a large throat space. However, as you become more proficient at quilting, you may find that a machine with a larger throat space is necessary in order to complete the projects you have in mind.

What Are The Different Types Of Quilting Machines?

There are several different types of quilting machines on the market, each with their own unique features and benefits. The most popular type of quilting machine is the domestic quilting machine, which is designed for use in the home. These machines are typically smaller and less expensive than commercial quilting machines, making them a good choice for those new to quilting or on a budget.

Another popular type of quilting machine is the long arm quilting machine, which is designed for use in commercial settings such as quilt shops or sewing factories. Long arm quilting machines are much larger than domestic machines, and they often come with a variety of extra features such as an automated thread cutter and built-in lighting.

If you’re looking for a versatile quilting machine that can handle both small and large projects, a mid-arm quilting machine may be right for you. Mid-arm machines are somewhere between domestic and long arm machines in terms of size and price, making them a good option for those who want more features than a domestic machine offers but don’t need the power or size of a long arm machine.

Which Type Of Quilting Machine Is Best For You?

There are many different types of quilting machines on the market, and it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. The best way to figure out which machine is best for you is to first decide what type of quilting you want to do. Are you interested in doing long arm quilting or machine quilting?

If you are interested in doing long arm quilting, then you will need a machine that is specifically designed for that purpose. These machines are usually larger and more expensive than traditional quilting machines. However, they are also much faster and easier to use, so if you plan on doing a lot of quilting, they may be worth the investment.

If you are interested in machine quilting, then you have a few different options. You can buy a traditional sewing machine and add a quilting attachment, or you can purchase a dedicated quilting machine. Quilting machines vary in price and features, so it is important to do some research before making a purchase.

Once you have decided what type of quilting you want to do, then you can start narrowing down your choices of machines. There are many different brands and models on the market, so it is important to read reviews and compare prices before making a final decision. With a little bit of research, you should be able to find the perfect quilting machine for your needs.

How To Measure The Throat Space Of A Quilting Machine.

There are a few things you need to take into consideration when measuring the throat space of a quilting machine. The first is the size of the machine itself. You need to make sure that the machine is big enough to accommodate your project. The second thing to consider is the type of quilt you are making. If you are making a small quilt, then you won’t need as much throat space as you would for a larger quilt. Finally, you need to think about how much space you need to move around the quilt while you are working on it.

The best way to measure the throat space of a quilting machine is to use a tape measure. First, measure the length and width of the machine. Then, measure the length and width of your project. Add these two numbers together to get the total amount of space you need. For example, if your machine is 24 inches wide and your project is 36 inches wide, then you will need 60 inches of throat space.

What Are The Benefits Of A Larger Throat Space?

A larger throat space on a quilting machine can offer a few different benefits for the user. One of the benefits is that it can allow for more fabric to be fed through the machine at one time, which can be helpful when working on larger projects. Additionally, a larger throat space can also help to reduce the risk of fabric jamming, as there is simply more room for the fabric to move around without getting caught on anything.

Another potential benefit of a larger throat space is that it can make it easier to quilt intricate designs. This is because there is less chance of the fabric getting bunched up or caught on something while it is being fed through the machine. Additionally, a larger throat space can also allow for more precise stitching, as there is less fabric that needs to be moved around in order to create the design.

ultimately, whether or not a larger throat space is beneficial will depend on the individual user and their specific needs. However, for many users, a larger throat space can offer a number of advantages and make the quilting process easier overall.


In conclusion, the throat space of a quilting machine is important for both novice and experienced quilters. A quilting machine with a larger throat space can accommodate larger quilts and allow you to work on a more complex quilt design. If you are looking for a quilting machine with a large throat space, we recommend the Janome 1600P-DB.

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