Why does your sewing machine skip stitches

Why does your sewing machine skip stitches

Do you have a Sewing Machine that skips stitches? If so, it’s likely because of the type of thread you are using. The most common type of s thread can sometimes cause your machine to skip stitches because it gets caught in the bobbin.

If this is happening to you, there are a few things that you can do to fix the issue. You can try changing to a cotton thread and increasing the speed by 25%. Alternatively, you can try a different brand of thread or a heavier weight.

Sewing Machine Needles

There are so many different types of sewing machine needles available on the market today, that it can be difficult to know which one to choose for your project. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the needle must be compatible with your sewing machine. Different machines require different types of needles. For example, some machines use only standard needles, while others may require speciality needles such as quilting or embroidery needles.

Once you’ve determined which type of needle you need, the next step is to select the right size. The size of the needle you need will depend on the type and thickness of the fabric you’re working with. For example, if you’re working with a lightweight fabric like silk, you’ll need a smaller needle than you would for a thicker fabric like denim.

And finally, you’ll need to decide on the point style of the needle. There are three basic types of points: sharp, universal, and ballpoint. The type of fabric you’re working with will dictate which type of point you need. Sharp points are best for woven fabrics, universal points can be used for both woven and knit fabrics, and ballpoint needles are specifically designed for knit fabrics.

Now that you know all about sewing machine needles, it’s time to get shopping! Be sure to purchase a few different types and sizes so that you’ll always have the right one on hand for any project.

Thread Tension

The wrong tension on your sewing machine can cause all sorts of problems, from skipped stitches to uneven seams. So it’s important to know how to adjust the tension on your machine.

The easiest way to adjust the tension is to use the dial on the side of the machine. The numbers on the dial represent the tension setting. For most fabrics, you’ll want to use a medium tension, which is usually around 4 or 5. If you’re working with a delicate fabric, you’ll want to use a lower tension, and for thicker fabrics you’ll need a higher tension.

If you’re having trouble getting the right tension, there are a few other things you can try. First, check the type of thread you’re using. Different types of thread require different tensions. Second, make sure your needle is compatible with the type of fabric you’re using. A heavy-duty needle will require a higher tension than a regular needle. Finally, clean your machine regularly. A build-up of lint and dust can cause skipped stitches and other problems.

By following these tips, you should be able to get the perfect tension for any project!

Machine Speed

You might not think that the speed of your sewing machine would have much of an effect on your stitches, but it actually does! If you’re sewing at a high speed, your stitches will be less consistent and more likely to skip. On the other hand, if you’re sewing too slowly, your fabric won’t move smoothly under the needle and you’ll end up with bunching and uneven stitches. The key is to find a happy medium- a speed that’s fast enough to keep your fabric moving, but slow enough that you can still control your stitching.

One way to test your sewing machine’s speed is to sew a straight line on a piece of scrap fabric. Start by sewing slowly, then gradually increase your speed until you find a comfortable rhythm. Once you’ve found a good speed, try to maintain that same speed as you sew. If you find yourself going too fast or slow, make small adjustments until you get back to your original pace.

If you’re still having trouble finding the right speed for your machine, consult your owner’s manual. Many machines have a recommended sewing speed listed in the instructions. Once you’ve found a comfortable sewing speed, stick with it to ensure consistent stitches in your projects!

Fabric Type And Weight

There are many different types of fabrics available on the market, which can make it tough to choose the right one for your project. When it comes to sewing, the type of fabric you use is just as important as the pattern or design. Different fabrics require different types of needles and threads, and some are better suited for certain projects than others. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most popular fabric types and their respective weights so that you can make an informed decision when starting your next sewing project.

Lightweight fabrics include chiffon, voile, batiste, lawn, georgette, and crepe de chine. These fabrics are typically used for making dresses, blouses, scarves, and other garments that don’t require a lot of structure.

Medium-weight fabrics include denim, corduroy, tweed, gabardine, poplin, and linen. These fabrics are often used for pants, skirts, jackets, and other garments that need a bit more structure than lightweight fabrics can provide.

Heavyweight fabrics include canvas, wool, velvet, fleece, and upholstery fabrics. These fabrics are best suited for outerwear garments like coats and jackets, as well as home decor projects like throw pillows and curtains.


We talked about the reasons why your sewing machine might be skipping stitches, and how to fix it. The most common reason is that the needle is not properly inserted. Other reasons can be related to the type of fabric you are using, the machine speed, or the tension of the thread. I hope this blog post has been helpful in troubleshooting your sewing machine. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to us!

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